Everything would be perfect if everyone would just like you the way you want them to like you, right? You build an image, a mirage of perfection to make that happen. Your copious perfect pictures of you and your family make you look like the quintessential Happy American family. And that’s when I get suspicious.
Online is a very dodgy place because of all it’s perfection. The “cult of perfect” as I’ve heard it referred to, has everyone losing immediately the moment they do a comparison. Until you comprehend that it’s a beautiful puppet show, an act of illusion which you the viewer bring to life by your imagination, you lose and they win. All you have to do is hold aloft your assumptions with a dash of doubt and your perspective will allow you the honor of still being human. And that’s OK. You will have passed the test.
I love me a pretty picture as much as anyone. But I am also very aware that the world preys on those of us with low self-esteem to buy into its schtick. And then we buy the products. I felt a real urge to buy one then another e-courses to find out what was missing and wrong with me some time ago. But I stopped myself because I knew nothing they were offering was what I needed.
What I needed was a better look at the fallacies my self-thoughts contained. And that would take a good year plus with a great therapist to move beyond. I now often question myself as to why I’m doing or posting what I am only in that I keep myself accountable to me, to my honesty, and to my happiness. You don’t have the key to this. I do.
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