You are Not Allowed to Pity Me and I’ve Always Got This
In the end, we have to make it Okay somehow to ask for support. Ask for anyone to do anything for us because we ask too much of ourselves.
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Thanks for your patience!
In the end, we have to make it Okay somehow to ask for support. Ask for anyone to do anything for us because we ask too much of ourselves.
The fact that I don’t ask keeps coming up. I usually don’t ask for help, advice, support, or to get my needs met. And there are varying flavors of reasons for this lack of asking, especially on the blog keeping front, which still don’t substantiate the lack of asking. I’m afraid that by asking for…
I am a secret style stalker. For years I watch shows, look at magazines, and fiddle with my own interiors, dreaming of my own spaces to play in. Although a friend and I agreed, blogs are for saying, “Look what I did !” , I was gathering the confidence to show you. Because, when you…
I did the unthinkable recently. I asked for someone’s help to clean my bathrooms. She offered and I accepted. And while she cleaned my bathtub, I tried to stay away but ended up watching. My friend used to freelance house clean like I once did. And I knew I would not hesitate to offer to…