Ah, it’s been quite the last couple weeks transition into Summer. I was keeping up with everything and then all of a sudden , I wasn’t. On June First I had started a Creativity Bootcamp Challenge and I did well to get up to the craftroom and dust off my pastels and glue bottles and made a few items. But the momentum was soon interrupted with days full of errands, parties, and guests. So be it I say. So here are those pieces I made both from collage and pastels. Pleased that I seem to be able to copy anything I put my mind to in pastels. And in collage, I can make anything with the scraps I leave on the table.

chicago butterflies
fish and mountain collage
ornamental cabbage pastel
pastel bouquet
garden card
key to Chicago on Shalavee.com
butterfly envelope in pastels on Shalavee.com

Here’s to a hopeful and creatively productive Summer for everyone. I cleaned my craftroom and I’m ready with a few ideas for more pastels portraits. Wanna read a little about February’s challenge, go here. Or the previous October’s challenge, go here.

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  1. Oh you are an inspiration! You’ve reminded me that I have a pile of magazines that I could be doing something with…

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