I love books. I love to escape into books. They’re like a free vacation and I even think of them as friends. Who can argue the pleasure of a  free vacation with a friend. When you find a good one, you can’t wait to return to that good feeling you have being there.

Last week, I actually had a conversation with a librarian about allowing oneself to read a book. I haven’t read a book in a very long time. Somehow I have wandered far far away from that pleasure. Yes I had a baby and have been busy. But here’s the real reason why.

The library lady and I agreed that sometimes we think that we haven’t earned the pleasure of the relaxation which reading provides. There’s some sort of labor to fun budget going on. We needed to have accomplished more for the reward to read.

So the 2 plus 2 of it is, I punish myself for being unproductive and don’t allow myself to have a friend? How mean is that.

The trick here is also to have the book that grabs you and drags you in so fast you didn’t see it coming.

Happy Summer reading and I hope you are not not reading. I feel lame when I receive the notifications from Goodreads but I’m also glad to see my friends enjoying their book “friends”. I have a book next to my chair now. Wish me luck.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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  1. Shalagh, I love reading books! They are a friend and a great escape. I usually read before bedtime to help me relax and unwind. If I don’t do it, I have harder time falling asleep. I don’t read during the day so much. I agree that a part of it is just allowing yourself the time to enjoy the sweet pleasure of reading.

    1. I used to always, always read before bed. Then, way before the baby, I stopped. I’d write in my journal a lot. Now I’m just droopy and head straight to bed. I think I should prioritize the reading at night when I get my nights back. And the journaling in the morning when my head is clearer. You did know what I meant though, right. And yet I feel there’s a dead place where the reading should be. It helps with the writing. And is almost manditory for creatives.
      Thanks Amy.

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