What is it with me and passageways, alleyways, or the secret garden ?

urn behind the fence on Shalavee.com
A courtyard in Annapolis on Shalavee.com

I’m a peeker, a seeker, a pathway eeker.

I have a thing for alleyways on shalavee-staging-1.local


I adore walking the alley behind your house and seeing what you’ve put out to throw away.

Another alleyway on Shalavee.com


I groan at the loveliness that is your rose arbor over your gate. Or your green garden hose making its escape.

Escaping green garden hose on Sgalavee.com


And I imagine that every step I take may land me exactly in a place I’ve always dreamed of visiting.

More alleyways in Annapolis on Shalavee.com


To freedom. To enlightenment. To a moment of hope and strength.

peekaboo State Capital od Annapolis n Shalavee.com

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  1. When the girls were growing up in Baltimore, Homeland neighbourhood, beautiful old houses, I used to love to walk in the lanes that ran behind the houses. Especially at night. Gave me a fascinating glimpse of other peoples lives and spaces. Curtains framing windows, lamps, the occasional painting or artwork on a wall. Of course, during that time period, I was howl at the moon lonely … but that’s a different subject altogether. Ha!

    1. Oh Carmelita, I know that voyeuristic nighttime journey down alleyways. I had no car and I walked from my apartment in Hampden to the Museum Cafe at night. And one day, I passed by someone’s dryer vent and burst into tears. The smell of the laundry conjured image of domestic bliss that I definitely wasn’t experiencing. Thank you for this. And I see so much of your creativeness in Leah.

  2. ‘I’m a peeker, a seeker, a pathway eeker’ still has me creasing ~ careful you don’t get yourself a legal injunction with all that lurking around…

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