There are days with these junior people that are trying as in, I’m trying not to be irritated or sarcastic because I’m tired and so are they apparently and nothing good can probably come of our interaction. Mornings when I can not wait until Fiona has gotten on the bus so I can sigh for the relief of no more drama to deal with. Nights when my son just won’t go to bed and leave me alone. Life is composed of day upon day and never is that more felt than in a parent’s life.

They ask you to rise with all the kindness and humanity you possess. All the humility, dignity, and patience you were sure you did not possess before you were a parent. Because a part of you gets born with them. A person who can no longer ignore your impact on the world’s footprint. A person who wants to model self-pride and self-acceptance. A better parent to yourself in the end and you know parenting is always do what I do, not just as I say.

Parenting Keeps Improving Me Despite Myself on

You will also discover your limits and their limitless trust in the relationship you forge from the cosmic nothingness of childbirth. We can hope to give our children more than we had, make up for our childhoods with better ones for them.
But in the end, they love you no matter what you do with that forgiveness that you seldom afford yourself.

I am in awe and ever grateful for these gifts that keep on giving back to me, my children, the tall one and the small loud one. Eamon and Fiona are the most wonderful pieces of universal creativity I will ever have a hand in. And I am grateful on a daily basis for their ridiculous gift of my appreciation of my existence before they were here.

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