I am still figuring out what happened to me last year. I had a rough Fall and an emotional fallout that left me raw and frightened to be myself in ways. The months since have been a time to grieve and reassess and move myself onward.

A year later, I am at the dawning of a new period in my life. I can see what may have happened and I can see what truths and lies I’m telling myself. I thought that my fear was telling me something I couldn’t do but in fact it’s leading me to prove that I can do whatever I want to and that I will keep myself safe in the process.

Third Party Neutrality From Your Fear Takes Practice on Shalavee.com

I have also noticed that just because you have a fearful feeling, it doesn’t automatically prove that there is indeed something wrong. We are missing a volume button on out fear as Elizabeth Gilbert said in her podcast. Fear is all in when it’s engaged. And it’s up to our intellect to discern how grievous and dangerous the situation really is.

That is what the rise in meditation and mindfulness is about. It strengthens the skills of our thinking brain to negotiate and mediate our fear brain with a plan. In the end, it’s still the intellect that’s in charge but if you don’t KNOW that, you will believe fear is in charge. This neutrality to your fear takes practice and makes the only difference between staying stuck and moving onward.

Deciding how you respond to your fear episode

is the greatest skill you can master.

Last year, I just stepped back and watched. And I swore that my fear would never run my life again like that. New anti-anxiety drug, new therapist for EMDR therapy, and every single pain in my body addressed by the appropriate doctor. I am suiting up to remount my steed and rush the windmill again. And I’m feeling alive.

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