Know Ledge from

It occurred to me that what I know is what I know. It is the sum of what I feel to be truthful. Worrying about what I don’t know takes me to a place of uncertainty and anxiety where I’m assuming what I don’t know can be used against me somehow. Perhaps that fear, the insatiable need to know to give me an upper hand is what feeds the news industry’s flame. I believe what I need to know will find me.

But if I assume and trust that what I Know is enough for me and my life, then I end up on that Ledge. This would be the place above the din where I have the perspective from which to sit and survey my life. The place where I can make thoughtful decisions based on my values and the outcome will always be right no matter what. Because I made my informed decisions not on what I think you think I should do, but on what I knew to be the truths that best fit me and my family.

Most likely we all are a little more knowledgeable than we’d give ourselves credit for. I believe that you always have all the knowledge and support you need at any given point, it’s that perspective from your personal ledge you may be missing.

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