I’ve been waiting for the right time and I think it’s come. To selectively show my house and complain about all the things I don’t like. But you get pictures to gawk at. Unless it’s a fabulous suggestion, don’t tell me what you think. Just smile and nod and make those pitying noises I like.

And, as it functions as a bar, it needs to be closer to the dining room. Which means a move around, Uggh.
I’m no pro-decorator. I think of myself as a jury rig decorator. I put things up to see how they look. And the mechanics can be thumbtacks or masking tape. Makes no difference as long as it’s up.
My brain is always in a state of “what if” so I never feel any commitment is as good as the next what if. Consequently, I’m more like a set decorator or a special events designer and stylist. I’m ready for the set strike so why commit to the “all the way” with proper curtain hardware.
Sadly, if you’re a designer, I both desperately need you in my house and don’t want you to see if for the shame of the state of, well, everything. Every room has something wrong going on. And no larger conception picture to follow to correct it.

I’m hoping to jazz the house up this weekend with fall florals and what-nots from the attic. Very hot up there but I went and put my eyes on the arrangements yesterday. I was waiting until October but who knew we’d have a heat wave to put me out of the mood of fall decorating. Next comes the gathering of the real pumpkins and a corn maze and hayride excursion. Cute pictures of cute kid to follow. As well as afterwards of decorating extravaganza.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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I love your house and you need more pics of it. Remind me to bring my camera. What you don’t see in those shots is how big and grand it is and all the open connected spaces. I want to throw a party in your house. And – I think it’s hilarious and wonderful that you put in a picture of you after you lost the weight and before you gained it back. LOL!
Just you wait, Mark’s got the big fifty bash planned for a year for now. The party to end all parties. Did we tell you about the party where the wedding broke out? That was eleven years ago.
I think your house is beautiful. I love all the mirrors and everything seems to tie in quite nicely. But you live there, and see the things you don’t like. I’m pretty tired of my house, too. I think your nesting instincts are definitely settling in. Anyway, it seems quite cozy and welcoming to me.
You are so kind and so right. It depends on whose glasses you put on. And you know the wicked nesting thing is a constant thing for me. Now the pregnancy factor just put a definite time limit on availability. I remember our dining room chairs took 4 naps to re-glue and paint.