Why are we so ashamed of our vulnerability? That in pretending we fit in, that we’re just fine, A-OK, we remain isolated in a room full of people. Disconnected instead of connected. Our living fear is realized constantly.

Vulnerability on Shalavee.com

I am always somewhat taken aback when people tell me they just couldn’t be as honest as I am publicly. They commend me for being able to tell my story honestly and yet they’re almost afraid of me. Like if they touched me, the honesty may rub off.

Why are we so ashamed our vulnerability I wonder. It connects us so strongly to other people and yet there’s a default message that says it’s weakness. So we walk around telling everyone we’re fine. We nod and smile and eat our pain and live our quiet lives of desperation right out in the public eye. Yet we are completely detached from the community around us and so remain isolated.

to show our weakness is our greatest strength

Vulnerability on Shalavee.com

It is only in the sharing of our stories that we find ourselves grounded in our human truths. That to show our weakness is our greatest strength. I have long been guilty of acting as if everything’s fine when it truly wasn’t. It’s exhausting. So to discover the true me, and to accept my humanity, I do it anyway. I risk your judgement to share what I feel.

And you know what? I just don’t care anymore. The only person’s opinion that truly matters is mine. Judgement isn’t helpful unless it’s got a good suggestion at the end. The truth is subjective and ever-changing. And I find humanity charming. So here’s to continuing to share the true me to the world and to inspiring others to do the same.

And PS, I’ve reading Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly on Vulnerability. Magic potion stuff in there. I’m sure I’ll be sharing and daring with what I glean from her amazing insights.

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