My most controversial post to date was the one I wrote and published while I was newly pregnant with Fiona and flippantly claimed that I was going to have to use government healthcare to have her. I then had an opportunity to write a bigger article for a local publication here. We were 6 years without healthcare since Mark’s Union President days. We weren’t going to be able to afford the miracle that I was hoping to create. Although thankfully, all children are always covered in every state by law.
The subject of the proposed American Healthcare was its own kinda crazy this past year. Long story short, the suggested healthcare program seems to put weight on those with more to take care of those with less. Many feel the “freeloaders” in America are then putting a strain on those who have worked so hard for what they have. That’s the flavor of the outrage. Seems there are those who are trying their best to make this a memory and return us to the way things were. I contend that a healthier nation is just that and basic need fulfillment is a human right. I mused that here.

I knew we couldn’t afford the out-of-pocket bills for the hospital and that waylaid my baby having decision-making. But then my desire to be a last-minute Mom won. That seems a silly thing to say but if I had avoided using the government’s help, there would be no Fiona. But conceiving children, as well as having your hip replaced or cataract surgery or an emergency amputation, happens. And people are human and breakable and I’d like to think that Americans aren’t going to let people die or go blind or hungry if they can help them out.
We say, “All’s well that ends well”. That the universe has a way of evening out stuff even when you don’t see it. We get to over-thinking and inserting ourselves into every equation and it becomes muddled. There’s a parable of Jesus and laborers in a vineyard where some vineyard workers want to gripe about getting the same pay as the guys who didn’t work as hard or long. And the lesson becomes, don’t worry about what is not yours, focus on the fairness of your own pay.
We are taxed to pay for lots of stuff we personally will never enjoy in America such as the education and healthcare of our nation’s children as every state has a guaranteed free programs for children. It is a privilege to not live in squalor or under a dictatorship. We forget that too. And it’s a place where people of all different ethnicity and beliefs are made to believe they will be treated fairly. That is a noble thing to be a part of, even if disparity still raises its ugly head.

Then this morning, I realized there’s more. Because we manditorily got healthcare as of this year, we have made better and quicker choices to take care of ourselves. I am in the process of getting allergy shots, happily discovered I don’t need surgery on my nose or my hip, and am feeling better and more hopeful than I have in a long time. Mark took himself right off to the doctor yesterday when he was sick. Wham, he had antibiotics and steroids for his insta-sinus infection.
My fear has dissipated. Where it used to be, when I got sick, I’d be immediately terrified that I needed to get to the doctor’s before the weekend and did I have enough money for my meds and out-of-pocket doctor’s visit? Now I’m confident that it will all get better eventually. The doctor’s visits have cost me only $45 each but my peace of mind is priceless. I know that I will eventually be better. If I keep calling up and making appointments to see the professionals to help me, eventually I won’t have to worry about what I don’t know to be ailing me. I’ll know what I have to do or what can’t be done.

Peace of mind in taking care of my well-being translates to being a better parent, a kinder person, and a better member of the society. The well-being of a society is collective. And if it starts by allowing people the access and opportunity to take care of their physical and mental state of well-being, then we all benefit no matter what we perceive our monetary cost. This is the interconnected web of humanity in action. And a little paying it forward goes a tremendously long way in helping my soul heal from its hurts. Thank you America. I got a cold for Christmas and I wasn’t fear-stricken from the possibility of a sinus infection I thankfully didn’t get because of all the healthcare I made use of this year. I am grateful and happier for the perspective that the healthcare we “had “to have has provided. And no one can take that away from me.
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One of the the most insightful, gracious posts on healthcare and the erosion of emotional well-being when we don’t have it that I have ever read.
thank you Shalagh. Just forwarded it to a friends at Choptank Community Health and Channelmarkers to keep it rolling.
Oh Miss Sue, I am flattered and grateful that you can fully appreciate my intent here. That made it worth the publishing. Because I sat on this one a long long time due to the last post’s attention. This is where I live and I am glad you joined me here. Thank you too for passing this along to whomever you think needs to read. Thank you.
I know that having decent healthcare has changed my life for the better. As a freelancer, I paid for my own policies for many years. Unfortunately, by the time I paid the ridiculously high premiums and was left with the ridiculously high deductibles, I rarely, if ever, went to the doctor simply because I couldn’t afford the deductible or out-of-pocket that followed. It was absurd, especially since I work so hard for my money.
Now that I no longer get charged 150% for having pre-existing conditions, and a reasonable policy, I too go to the doctor, take care of myself, and play catch-up for many years of neglect. I work, I pay taxes, and I definitely don’t think of decent healthcare as a “handout!”
I know you work extraordinarily hard Suzonne and only recently was aware of your health worries. The story of not going, even when you have the coverage, is one I know some near and dear to me are still living. I am so glad to be catching up on my health checklist even if it means it’s time for another pap smear. Thank you for your 2 cents because they add up and give a voice to those of us following our freelance paths. Because, P.S., “ain’t that America”?
Bravo Shalagh! Well said. This is one of the most astute posts I’ve ever read on the subject of healthcare.
Thank you so much Jane. Sometimes I sit on posts so that I can make sure what ‘s deep in my heart is what I’m saying. And this one is proof of that. No matter if people like or dislike what I had to say, I still had to say it and I said it truthfully. Thank you again for the recognition because it means a lot.
Jane? LOL. Thanks for speaking your truth, which happens to articulate my truth beautifully. I really enjoy your blog, old friend.
Oh my, sorry darlin’. Too many late night candles being burned to keep the blog lights burning. I do hope you’ll forgive me. And thank you for your enthusiasm for this post. It gave me renewed hope in ways.
Love to you Jennifer!!