Little you may know but this is the second marriage for both Mark and I.
So the fairytale-ness of it can be understood if you knew what we went through to get here.

We got married in the backyard of our new house overlooking the Choptank River.

Happiness is the best revenge.

So Happy Anniversary to my husband Mark aka Bubby.

I love you so very much and I’ve always looked forward to growing wiser with you.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
Thanks Michelle. I think so too.
Aw, happy day to you both. xo
So sweet. And I know you understand the contented happiness that comes with marrying the right guy.
Happy anniversary! Happiness and 2 beautiful children are a life well lived and the ultimate revenge.
Yes, I remember the wedding… So cool! Happy anniversary Mark and Shalagh!
Thanks so much Heidi. You are a doll.
Absolutely my friend. You know of what you speak.
Thanks for sharing your anniversary with you and Mark.
I love the photos. From my vantage point it looks like
you were meant for each other.
I think you are so very right Ann. Your welcome to my sappiness anytime.
Congrats to you and your husband! Oh, such beautiful photos. I’m sure it was a beautiful ceremony, too. Wishing you many more happy years together! Love, Amy xox
If Mark can survive his 50 birthday a week from now, I’m sure he’ll stick around for the rest of the anniversaries.
Thanks Amy.
Ah – how the filter of time leaves out the chaos of the occurrence and gilds the memory! Before Fort Peach was built and the bulwark created…the wedding party teetering inches from the precipice…a disembodied voice from the bridal dressing room hollering down to Danielle: “Where are the oyster plates!!”
Kill me, I know too much. My absolute favorite moment was your song to Mark. Would it be too much to ask for a reprint of the lyrics here?
Congrats, felicitations, loving exclamations – Tamachelle
That view was fantastic and now Sleeping Beauty’s forest has grown up in our site line again. Plates for the oysters not to be confused with oyster plates. And nope, I hadn’t thought about publishing the song here. I do have a picture of me singing though. Thanks for being there for me Sis.
Wow how wonderful, congratulations! (a wee belated but full of sincere wishes for happiness for many years to come!)
Thanks so much Mariana. You have no idea how lovely it is. To be happily married. And have a strange and talented friend from across the ocean wish me happiness because of it.