My child’s most fervent desire upon earning his 15 Mom Bucks from our point chart endeavor, was to buy a set of cards called MAGIC. The flavor he chose was The Gathering. Suggested for 13 year olds, I’ve even less of a clue than I did with those daggone Transformers suggested for five-year olds. But he’s happy and rewarded.

In fact, after purchasing the cards at Target, as well as perusing the Halloween section just for shrieks and picking up a $5 skull, we visited the Bagel Bakery in Easton so Mommy could feed the Belly Baby. When I told him he could open his cards, he hugged me. He was so grateful. “You earned them” I said. And as he shuffled through them and read the How To Play paper (ha ha), I read this on the front page. And I liked it.

“You are counted among the élite spell casters of the Multiverse –The Planeswalkers. Some are friends and others are foes. All wield terrifying magic and command armies of creatures torn from the endless plains of reality.

No matter what challenge faces you, you have the strategies and weapons necessary to succeed.”

Say no more.

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  1. The moral of the story is wonderful but i love the Belly Baby name even more!!! Ohhh how cuuuute! I’m so mad that I didn’t think of that. lol

  2. Cool! My son gets cards. I think he got some of those. Anyway, he never plays the game, but thinks the cards are really cool. Maybe someday he’ll play. Who knows! I guess if it’s their choice we have nothing to say about it. It’s nice when they’re proud of earning something.

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