This year, my son’s birthday fell on the same day as Easter. So we had more family around and multiple days to do all the activities.

The Easter egg hunt was on Easter/Eamon’s birthday orchestrated by him and Miss Sue aka the Easter Chicken. The hunt privilege has been passed down from Eamon to Fiona and this year featured a treasure hunt.

Egg dying happened later in the day after Mark tilled his vegetable garden. There was probably 2 dozen eggs and I let my children, sister, and mother dye all of them save one. There was some serious creating going on and it took over an hour before I heard someone cry “Last egg!”.

We enjoyed a sushi dinner out and a ham dinner at home followed by a chocolate cake topped with strawberries that Daddy and Fiona made. There’s still enough candy around to crush a small child. And my house is feeling a little chaotic. But that’s family and I can honestly say everyone had a good timeA
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