The last of my friend Tania’s picture link ups is today. And her theme is Color Me Happy.
Beauty can be found in the most unlikely places.
I have a quilt. I got it on my birthday at an auction in Delaware more than ten years ago. The same fateful day that my husband threw me that surprise party.

I absolutely love this piece. I love the color combination of purple and rust and peach and green. And that there is a pattern within the craziness. And I just hung it up on the wall as a sort of temporary headboard in the baby/guest room.
My apologies for the lighting which is not doing the quilt justice but I wanted to take the picture and post it to Tania’s Maui Shop Girl blog before I couldn’t.
Thanks for inspiring me to post obscure pictures Tania. I am hoping my picture taking prowess and knowledge of effects improves in time. And that I get a really awesome camera some day.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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It is so beautiful and yes when you look closer there is a distinct pattern. I love patchwork, still have a blanket my grandma made for me when I was born. Abused it for awhile in college, took it to the beach and the park as I just thought of it as my old blanket. Then I got older and wised up to how special it was and that she made it by hand. It’s a bit beat up but has held up remarkably well.
I love the idea of using it as a headboard. In some of the Hawaiian quilt shops, they hang the quilts on the wall for display but it makes me think how lovely the wall looks with it up there.
I’m taking another picture of that quilt because that lamo picture didn’t do it justice. Except, not that it’s Fiona’ room and I’m afraid it won’t work with the lime green and purple combo I’m contemplating. I need another pride of place for it. I love me some old textiles. Glad you pulled the quilt off the ground before you destroyed.