At my daughter’s school, the children’s behavior is monitored daily by a stoplight inspired grading system. If you’ve behaved yourself , you get on a green status. If you received a warning, its yellow. And a bad choice will get you to red status and probably get you sent to a principal’s waiting room, or maybe that’s just what I remember. But the most insipid of all is the purple. Because that represents better than good behavior and it’s all my daughter seems to want. To be the good girl.

Being on Purple : The Good Girl Control on

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  1. Oh my word, you nailed it. Often, when we’re out and about and the kids are trying to hold it together especially well, their behavior at home is difficult at best. But you’re right, when we are just ourselves, the effort of striving goes away, and life becomes much more enjoyable.

    1. Wise women need to stick together and raise wise daughters Corinne. Thank you for your time to read and to acknowledge me. I truly appreciate it.

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