I have reached a new place here at 52 where I want to understand who I am. It occurs to me that I have judged myself by who I am not. Compared myself to bars constructed at heights I saw others reaching. And that is always a half full place to occupy. Instead I want it to be easier. I want to want to be me in the place where I am right now today. And that requires an understanding of who me is.
Science is revealing that our family’s history of trauma may be embedded in our DNA if not just our understanding of the trauma we’ve known and had passed down. We also are told that people are born homosexual, its not a choice always. There are many choices and yet more givens than I think I understood. The world is starting to ask we accept just what is.

Coming to a place of acceptance, compassion, and understanding of ourselves is the only true gift we can give our fellow beings. How can we hand these gifts to others if we don’t have them within ourselves first? What I am beginning to understand is the way I convey and treat myself is the way the world will treat me.
I accept that I am completely gray. I will keep dying my hair all the same.
I accept that I tell you like it is. I will always be kind about it though.
I accept that I may have anxiety embedded in my DNA too. I will continue to take this medicine that made a world of difference and broke me through to the other side for long needed perspective.
I accept that my low self-esteem has kept me small and scared for a long time but I refuse to let that be my life story.
Telling ourselves the truth and seeing ourselves for the fallible human beings we are is one step closer to accepting ourselves. And when we accept ourselves, we belong to ourselves. And everyone wants just this. To be home in their own bodies is to start from home base and go out from there to tag others with our acceptance. To spread our gifts of understanding and compassion and acceptance costs nothing and starts in the ways we treat ourselves today.
Love to you ! And you! And you!
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