My 50 asks project started with a bang. I was feeling pretty good about it.

My first ask was for my readership to go ahead and subscribe to my posts. I had a random goal to increase my subscribers number to 100 by the end of July. Well the good news was that I asked you answered. I reached 79 and yesterday 80 subscribers. I lost a little momentum with continuing the Ask to reach my 100. I’ve got one more week to go and frankly, I am so happy with reaching 80, I’m good with it all.

As I wrote in this post, the second was a contribution of a piece called The Story of A Come Here on the Eastern Shore Writer’s Association’s blog (who are in need of a new blog master now). 

Fiona at Idylewild Park #Easton, Maryland on

The third ask was a submission to the Huffington Post. Haven’t heard back. Am ready to send them another to hedge my bets.

The fourth ask was a spontaneous one to fellow blogger Jane of That Curious Love of Green. I suddenly thought it would be neat to join up with another blogger and do a cooking project like the two gals on two different continents do at Liz and Jewels. Sadly, my friend has put herself to a stringent schedule of editing her novel. She is an amazing task master and stole time from her life all winter to make that novel happen. So of course I was so happy that she’s moving to the next phase. And a little embarrassed to ask for I had forgotten she was knuckling down again. That was a bust but not giving up on the concept yet. Maybe another blogger/reader will think to ask me if they can join up to do a simultaneous cooking project with me instead?

Fiona at Idylewild Park #Easton, Maryland on

The fifth ask was to the editors of Blunt Moms. They kindly said, read our stuff and write us a submission. So that is now going on the to do list.

The idea behind the Ask project is two fold. It’s in place to give me impetus to submit more writing to the world but it’s also a way of making me gain a thicker skin and see more opportunities/ risks to ask for what I want.  I have a project I’m working on for a blogger meet up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and need to ask for stuff and support.

Ready or not, here’s to my next 5 asks. 

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. Best wishes to you on your next 5 asks! I’m finding it empowering to read about your experience of asking – not to be voyeuristic, just appreciative of your openness to tell about putting yourself out there! I believe the philosophy that when you meet the universe half way, positive returns will occur!

    1. Thank you for your support. Sometimes we waffle and waiver and forget ourselves and the littlest threads of support can bring us back. Truthfully I struggle with too many things I want to have happening. And today I told myself that something has to give in order for me to have some creativity time or else. Playing with an art medium, color, shapes, and glue is a necessary soul tender. And maybe that’s an ask I need to ask of myself!!

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