The next phase of my collage period was to go 3D.
I wanted to glue stuff onto stuff. And I liked playing with new glues to see what they could do. The feature picture is called War Paint, created from discarded makeup from my teens and 20s.

This piece incorporated fabric. And body parts.

These are real river rocks. Sadly this piece was obliterated in a friend’s horrible moving accident.
This was a wreath made from camera paraphernalia. I could rock out some vintage memory wreaths.

I put this collaged mailbox on our house when we moved in.

The man themed suitcase. Loved this. I used acorns for the feet.

And the music suitcase. So pretty. Sold long ago.
Hope you enjoyed the last tour of the collages.
Can’t wait to see what’s next? Neither can I.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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