At our dinner party the other night I asked my friends what it was that they remembered having the crazy notion to do and suddenly doing at the age of 25? Three of us said we had gotten married. Because I have noticed recently that there’s definitely a switch that gets thrown developmentally in a 25 year-old and it’s a kind of crazy entitlement switch. As in “I’m a grown-up now and I can do all of those things I want to and you’ve told me not to do. All those things that society would frown upon because it’s my decision to make and I’ll show all of them it’ll be different for me. “ Yeah I remember it well.
I think we are all prone to have that psycho toddler punk out attitude. “If you tell me to do it I’m not gonna do it.” And it’s equally annoying counterpart, “If you tell me not to than I’m so gonna do it.” We parents still have to remind ourselves the rules of reverse psychology. If you don’t like the new boyfriend than you need to be overly friendly about him and invite him over for dinner and kill him with kindness. And you’ll be surprised how unglamorous he’ll become to your daughter.
My hope is that my daughter’s testing of me has resulted in my passing by this time and she’ll actually choose companionship for the measure of it’s worth. Is he nice and attentive? Does he make her laugh or understand her quirks or sadness ? My hope for her is to value her worth by her own standards and not by mine or anyone else’s. And when it comes time to give herself away to anyone for any reason, she’ll be doing it not out of spite, fear, a dare, or convenience, but because this choice is a part of a plan she sees for her future value. And only she will know what that is.
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