As writers, we not only need to write, but we need to be read. I am not sure I’d believe a writer who said otherwise. Here’s the rub : no one will read what you’ve written if they don’t know you, like you, or especially if they’ve never heard of you.
While the nature of a writer is to be antisocial, locked up inside his imagination cavern churning out a book he hopes one day will be read by others, the irony is that the work still needs to be publicized and published outside of his brain. You can be the most amazing writer ever and still you need to increase the odds of people knowing you, liking you, and hearing about you to eventually be read by them. How do you accomplish this? By blogging and becoming an identity separate from your book. Or a compelling entity that compliments the work you do.

Today’s writers know that the market is glutted with all sorts of starry-eyed writers whose stuff doesn’t suck but will never be promoted by a “proper” publishing house. Maybe that is still a possibility some day but promotions are up to you now. And you will have to work on them as slowly and steadily as you did your writing, one connection at a time. One post, one new friend, and one interesting tidbit at time.
Eventually, you will need to be seen as a human to be the talented star that you know you are. But until that happens, you just need to give your future readers a chance to know you and let them discover your work as well. Writers need blogs.
As usual, I had to learn all this the “hard way”. What began as just online writing practice for me, eventually became writing work I wanted to have read. But it’s tough writing to a mute audience without faces. Eventually, I knew for certain that I had a small audience which lead to more writing and more socializing. And now I’m conducting a blogging workshop this weekend. Slow and steady wins the race.

The title of the workshop is “The Why is the How : Intentional Blogging 101” (Click here for the details). I focus on the idea that our reasons will dictate our next steps, whether it’s blogging, marriage, schooling, or book sales. We need to really want what we’re working for to make it count and take the right steps to progress.
Social Media and an online conversational platform of any sort will only carry us as far as our goals can foresee their need to. And blogging is a lovely medium when the person’s aim is true. So I urge you to do all your research and then do it anyway. And I will be happy to be your online friend and steer you toward whatever resource you’ll need so that you can grab the gusto and go for the connections that will grow your audience.
And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter or Pinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.
And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
From the “you” that I know through your blog, I think your workshop will be rich with stories, tips, encouragement, and fun! Wish I could attend. It’s always good to read and ponder your thoughts – thanks for all that you share, and cheers to a future book!
Ha Dawn, thank you and I agree, there won’t be a dull moment and I can’t control the expectations of others. Oh and you weren’t supposed to notice the “book” thing. I haven’t really “decided” because that would be a commitment and we all know how terrified I am of that, said the woman who had a surprise baby and a surprise blog. La la la not looking. Thank you for your enthusiasm. It’s always much appreciated.