I’d lost nearly ten pounds and I was elated. I hadn’t dropped below 160 pounds in at least five years, maybe ten. This weight loss was a huge accomplishment. I felt kind and didn’t dwell on the fact that it’s only taken two months to accomplish. All those years of lamenting my largess and it was gone with a commitment to Weight Watchers. And to myself. In two months.
I was kind that is until I saw the self-portrait I’d just taken and all I could see suddenly was the largeness that still remained. My hips ever-expanding, belly burgeoning, and the progress was gone. When I shone a light on perfection, on how far I had to go, it was as if all that abstinence didn’t matter suddenly. And I stood in that for about 5 minutes before a warning bell went off.
This was a huge accomplishment for anyone. Don’t steal the joy away please. Perspective is a choice about which binoculars to put on. Do I want to revel in pride everyday for my accomplishments? Do I want to feel the pride and power about making choices in my life that make a difference to my soul?
If I’d like to continue for the next however many decades robbing myself of every accomplishment I achieve as I compare my progress to a perfect end goal or someone else’s achievements, it’s one choice I could make. But it’s a blechhhy one!
Yes I’d love to fit into a size 8 again. However, today I’m going celebrate my win of fitting back into the wardrobe I have. And treat myself to a new blouse maybe that looks flattering on this new body I intend to keep. I am not going to rush off and read the ending and then decide that where I am now sucks. I’m going to stand in my now and show that drops in the bucket fill the bucket up. Or drops out of the bucket slim the bucket down in this case. And in doing so, I am then filled with pride and accomplishment and hope.
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Well done for stopping the criticism! it’s so easy to go down that road and sadly often seems way more difficult for us to be our own best support.
Well done for the discipline it takes to practise restraint too, I also know that’s not as easy as it sounds either!
Thank you so much Miriam for your acknowledgements and support. It means a lot !
Oh thank you too Miriam ! Very kind and lovely of you to offer your acknowledgement and encouragement.
Love to you,
The 2015 catch phrase was ‘journey ‘. Weight loss is a journey, truly . Kuddos to you for
1. Wanting to be more healthy
2. Formulating a plan and sticking with it
3. Doing your Virgo best not to be too judgy on your success
4. Onward , if you choose to make another fitness goal you know you got this – starting is the hardest part , you got this easy! Weight watchers is a great tool to learn how to eat well. If you eat well weight flies off.
Oh Thank you so Much for your kind words and support Melissa! Well and kindly said. I’m a little concerned that I won’t make that 10 pound goal in two months to get my two free months. Mark is already at 15. If only I could borrow some from him. We’ve been birthday partying and celebrating on weekends and might just have to buckle down through upcoming weekends. And it won’t ruly matter because I’m so thrilled to be able to wear my own clothing for the Summer I could cry. Than you so much!!!!
I lost a lot and started to put some on again. Holidays and the like, with some complacency in there. I also go to ww it works, I have been less committed but you just helped me. You are doing things well. Liking yourself sometimes is tougher than you imagine. Well done you!! Always around for a bit of support if need be 🙂
How lovely are you for this Miss Alisa. Thank you so much for your support. The number one reason I think that weight Watchers works is for the accountability. Points are easier than calories counting. But I love they support people in treating and acknowledging their victorious choices with other stuff than food. My husband is finding out that that was his go to atta boy. Holidays are a beast but now I know there’s something that works!
Loads of love and thanks to you,
Yay Shalagh tell that inner critic she is not welcome around here. Even if you have not reached your goal we/you should absolutely celebrate the fact you have begun to feel better. I also find if I dress up and feel good about myself then it does not really matter what weight I am. Ps I think you look fantastic.
Thank you for all of that Druimé !