In the Process : No Worry, Scurry, or Hurry
The after holiday time finds me happily languishing in the process of life instead of the results. There is no hurry, worry, or scurry.
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The after holiday time finds me happily languishing in the process of life instead of the results. There is no hurry, worry, or scurry.
What a slippery perspective buster “truth” is. The truth is that this first month and a half of Summer has been rough. Not in the hard ways my Summers used to start , but in very personal ways. Ways I was not even telling myself about. Today’s truth is that I am still awaiting the…
This past year, I’ve become more aware of where my thoughts wander. And where they don’t wander anymore. My improved self-awareness means I notice how my thoughts behave differently now than they did before all this hard self-work. I take notice of my options and choices when moments of decision bubble up to the surface…
I began to feel panicky. I only had a crib, a mattress, and a blanky. Yes, there are numerous boxes of years’ worth of boys clothing in the attic. But we don’t know if we’re even having a boy. I had nary a nappy or bottle or binky in the house and I was 32…