When I Used to Think Everything Was Mine to Fix

When I Used to Think Everything Was Mine to Fix

Due to the pandemic, the subject of mental health has been placed even more into the public eye. I feel we’ve finally been pushed out onto the stage and forced to see our humanity. If everyone was already experiencing unclaimed general anxiety disorder, thoughts of dying by unseen deadly bugs pushed us overboard. I told…

The Minutia of Christmas
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The Minutia of Christmas

( From December 2014 and last year, I adore this look back ) The sound was a thwap and a roll, hollow plastic bouncing and traveling across the floor. My new Christmas tree balls were this moment’s entertainment. The “ball balls” were being extracted from their big clear box and thrown while I hurried to…

On Happy Endings

On Happy Endings

I really have no expertise when it comes to happy endings. Miserable endings I could script out perfectly for you though. So when it was suddenly clear to me as a new parent that I was responsible for shading the outlook of the world for my children. When interpreting what they see in movies or…

A Real Day
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A Real Day

I lived another real day. Nothing “exciting” like a grocery store run. Just waiting on a service man, cleaning up a pee puddle or two from a stubborn 4-year-old daughter. Stasis. Stillness. Stupid brain. Wishing I’d grabbed those few valuable moments of peace when she was sulking and half-naked in her room upstairs. But instead,…

My Life’s Forgotten Plot Twist : Fiona
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My Life’s Forgotten Plot Twist : Fiona

Life happens while you’re headed in another direction. Sometimes life’s intentional. Sometimes it’s happenstance. Sometimes forces of natural science and fate converge and you get a Fiona. She is the plot twist in my life. The one I fought and fought which finally aligned. And as miraculous as her birth was, I’ve just as easily…

I’m In Waste Management and Sanitation Control
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I’m In Waste Management and Sanitation Control

I often joke that I’m in waste management. On the kinder less disgusting side, I’m the recycleables schlepper, the playroom toy drawer cleaner outer, and the seasonal wardrobe sifter through-er. I have all say in what’s good and bad in the fridge and the pantry as I do all the cooking. And yes I’ll scold…

The Relentlessness of Motherhood
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The Relentlessness of Motherhood

My go to word in describing parenting is relentless. My baby daughter, ungrateful and miserable, can cry at me at least ten times today, what feels like 70 percent of the day, beating me down further and further into defeat. The relentlessness is daunting. You’re review is in. Fifty percent of today will not meet…