An Archaeological Dig to Find Myself
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An Archaeological Dig to Find Myself

I found myself in the attic today, knowing full well that much of the rest of my 100 Day challenge of letting go of past shite would be found in that space where my entire life is packed into boxes and bins neglectfully carelessly stacked everywhere. I didn’t have cold feet but I did have…

The Empty Box Method for Releasing Unwanted Stuff
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The Empty Box Method for Releasing Unwanted Stuff

If you’ve been following along, I have committed to 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite, the 6th 100 day project I’ve done. I’m currently around day 30 (this year allowing the project to stop and start as necessary). And it occurred to me to share a tactic I developed a long time ago…

Purging the Stuff That Owns Us
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Purging the Stuff That Owns Us

The pruning, the watering, the dusting, and the ironing. If you have stuff, you need to upkeep it. Kids need food and clothes. Your body needs hair cuts and doctor’s appointments. Your house needs gutters and your car needs gas. If we listen to the mantra of American marketing, getting more while spending less is…

Reformation of a Clutterbug
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Reformation of a Clutterbug

This article was first published in August, 2009 on Divine Caroline. This is pre-blog and the second article I wrote and published on-line. It speaks to what I mentioned in my yard sale pieces about that last yard sale I had after I shut my shop down. As a housewarming gift, our friends rented us…