Happy 100 Days of Making
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Happy 100 Days of Making

It was brought to my attention by Ms. Kim Werker, the lady who turned me onto this idea, that last Friday marked the first 100 days for My Year of Making. You  may vaguely remember this project. You may also remember my realization that I’m much more of a maker than I had previously recognized….

We Are The Contributors Project #3 : Alterego
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We Are The Contributors Project #3 : Alterego

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I was invited to take part and create art for the We Are the Contributor’s 3rd project hosted by  creators Sandra Harris and Melanie Biehle. These creative dyna-mamas conceived of and organized an online visual project where they invite artists to produce art in varying mediums based on…

31 Flavors of Pretty Coming Soon

31 Flavors of Pretty Coming Soon

Tomorrow, my self-induced month-long blog challenge begins. “Why have you decided to do this?”, my husband asked. Good question. My reasons include, but are not limited to: I want to challenge myself. By saying I’d do this, I become accountable to everyone reading and must follow through.I am forced to round-up pictures of projects and…