Following Your Intuition and Figuring It Out as You Go
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Following Your Intuition and Figuring It Out as You Go

First, we need to get something clear about life. You can have a well thought out life plan and have every intention of following some set recipe for living and, guaranteed, something happens to make you change your life course. While its nice to have an idea, be ready to throw it all out. Because…

Creativism is Valuing Creative Living
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Creativism is Valuing Creative Living

Often, as I’m engaged in one of my creative projects for my fellowship’s community like decorating the Christmas tree or the Sanctuary for a fundraiser, people exclaim,”Oh Shalagh, you are so creative.” If you were someone who said this, thank you. But  besides giving me a compliment, what I hear them saying is, “You can…



Everyday that you live is a recipe of what you felt about your life mixed with what you actually did. The positive or negative perception recipe of our days lived depends on how we interact and present our life and its outcomes to ourselves. So what if we could hedge that bet and make our…