As I drove I considered the concept that perhaps some of us are already living our ideal lives. My therapist pointed out to me once that I was living an enviable life of constant creativity yet all I ever wanted to do was dwell on those things I didn’t have yet and hadn’t accomplished yet.

Living Ideal Lives That Have Nothing To Do with Stuff on

It seems such a profound concept that we may be living the lives we always truly wanted except our vision is too clouded to see this. That we can only see that we are not living by the standards society tells us we are supposed to want. That if we were to understand that health is so important and wealth isn’t, we’d get to exercising instead of going for another Wal-mart run.

If we appreciated that we had family and community and a roof, that we’d already know we have enough. Except that’s not what sells. Not enough sells more. And when we buy, other people make money from our money. So we keep running on the wheel for our dollars. We keep making cheesy good snacks to eat while watching a sporting events when we could be making art or friends or love to and with the people around us.

And the moment you and I realize that we are following their rules, we’re gonna bust out laughing from our protective shells and begin conversations with ourselves and our world that we hadn’t dared until now. Just thoughts as I’m driving past the Wal-mart.

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  1. I’ve just created a Shalagh board on Pinterest. Thank you for all you’ve taught me so far. I’ll be happy to stock that folder with your brave posts.

    Love, Tamara

    1. What? That’s the sweetest swellest thing I’ve heard this week. Thank you so much for your recognition and support. You are helping me stock up on my value .

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