I can admit without shame that I detest our country’s flag colors. Don’t get me wrong, I feel patriotic when I see red, white, and blue bunting up on people’s porches and the flag itself could bring tears to my eyes on occasion. But I really don’t find the color combination attractive otherwise.

Wanting to be patriotic for the Fourth of July, I aspired to make and take pictures that I liked and appreciated the holiday color scheme.

Purple clover too on Shalavee.com

Nature has a way of offering alternatives that make any color combination OK. So I endeavored to put together a little eye candy in a blue ball jar that everyone could enjoy and that paid homage to the red, white, and blue combination. Yes I pulled over and jumped out of the truck to retrieve the Queen Anne’s lace and the clover. Nothing’s too crazy for art. Especially to stare at two of my favorite flowers.

flowers in the crate on Shalavee.com
Coke crate on Shalavee.com

Queen Anne’s lace, blue hydrangea, and Autumn Sage in a blue ball jar inside a red vintage coke crate and, stick a fork in me, I’m done. Add some vintage white doilies, a white-painted child’s school chair, and a Parcheesi board and I had a cute little photo shoot in my backyard this week.

parcheesi board with flowers in front on Shalavee.com
Flowers with Parcheesi background on Shalavee.com


Here’s to celebrating your love of freedom and beauty however you want to.

Love to our country and to all the souls in it.

Independence is a place of freedom in your heart.

Truly visit for even just a moment

and you’ll know what bliss is for your efforts.

overhead of vase on chair with parcheesi board on Shalavee.com


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  1. You’ve done a great job showing how pretty the colors of red, white and blue can be together with your photos Shalagh. But I’m afraid I have to disagree. I love the combo on the flag. Happy 4th!

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