For Christmas this past year, I decided to give making our own calender a try.
Vista prints ended up having the best price. Which was maybe $8 per calender in the end.
They were gifted to close friends and family and included everyone’s birthday on them.
Best of all, it was made from Eamon’s artwork from the prior year.

I took pictures of all the artwork since most were too big as to be unscannable on my printer.
But I was forced to go back and retake them with a black board behind them since there was no border option when creating them.
That did the trick. That and a flood light focused directly at them.

Kudos to his art teachers for coming up with art projects that are awesome because of the materials they use.
This is my favorite. It’s a peacock on brown paper with marker and chalk.

The spider’s face looks eerily like a character from South Park.

I’d do another one this year but there isn’t enough artwork.
I guess we’ll have to wait for the Fiona edition.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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A turkey in August? And a patchwork elephant in November? Everyone knows you eat elephants in August, duh.
Oh, sorry, it’s a peacock of course, that’s what I get for not reading. I’m standing by my elephant season comment though.
Poor Eamon. Each time someone would say that’s a nice turkey he’d correct them. Patchwork elephant reminiscent of heffalumps and woozles song animation. Beware, beware. Elephants will take their revenge Dig.
Black board and flood light, they turned out awesome! Thanks for the tips! I love kids’ artwork!
Just go to a copy center and have them photocopy the stuff and put it together there. That would have been the easiest.
Thanks Michelle.
What a great calendar – I LOVE THE SPIDER ONE!!!!!
Mark just commented this morning as he was staring at the spider that that was his favorite one.
What do you mean, not enough art? Perhaps you could widen focus to Blog land which is Shalavee? Creative comments (names withheld to protect the innocent of course…) Musings on the domwstic universe? Or are you nervous about posting the bedside scenarios at the hospital? You could expand to birthing and baby stories. I love Eamon’s art but also that it is a presence in my kitchen of a connected soul with a cool vision.
Yeah, it’s the kid’s cool art and the cute calender gimmick as passable Christmas present for everybody. So I guess I’ll lock him in his room until he makes more art. We’ll see.
You could get a toy made from the peacock image. Aren’t there companies that will do that? You send them the artwork & they make a plush toy for you.
Oh yeah! I think I may have joined the pinning wave on that one. Wouldn’t that be the coolest!! Now it’s in my head, I’ll have to research. Thanks Ms. Ish.
Also, I think the work is wonderful.