If you haven’t been to Cafe Sado, Inc. in Chester, MD, I probably shouldn’t tell you and ruin it for the rest of us. But we think it’s the best and the most affordable place for sushi. People drive over the bridge from Annapolis for the BOGO deal on sushi.
There’s plenty to choose from on the menu. Bento boxes, Pad Thai , and even a Kobi beef burger. The styling is Mo-dern chic with chain type curtains between the booths and funky mesh metal chairs in the foyer where a continuous loop of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seems to play. And a pub downstairs. What else do you need?

We have spent many a special occasion here and brought many guests to impress. Thanks to Cafe Sado, our child now likes calamari and dumplings. This last visit brought a new kind of embibeable entertainment; the Japanese Soda. Seems those whacky Japanese don’t just want you to drink it, they want you to play with it. Mark tells a story of how, while working an MJ show in Japan, he found coffee which got hot by a chemical reaction you created in the container. Cool. Scary. Cool.
There was a glass marble attached by wrapping to the top. And the idea was, when you smacked it down through the hole, it would then begin to fizzle.

And then enjoy. It had enough sugar in it to make your hair curl.

And the view of the sun setting on that candy cane lighthouse was rather enjoyable too. Plus the silly company of my family.

Play and have fun People.
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