It is harder than you might imagine to make new friends as you get older. No new jobs to meet people through. Your town has the same people save maybe a new neighbor or two. Fellow parents may not be your age or have the same interests. And the organizations you belong to can be of the been there, done that variety.

I was thrilled beyond words when I discovered that there was someone in my same artsy creative circles online who lived within an hour of me. In fact there were several women who I reached out to and began to meet up with. When I met my gal Leah, as well as my new friend Sarah, we all sighed with relief. We were all the same sort of oddly creative whacky people and were already friends from our connection online. We are all uber-creatives who really need an offline connection.

Sunflowers and bricks for an urban garden oasis in Annapolis on


Urban gardening is sublime in Annapolis on
Urban gardening is sublime
Me and Leah in Annapolis on
Me and my gal pal Leah

I met Leah for the first time at the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore back in March. We just hit it off. We are from similar backgrounds and the same age and rather at the same place in figuring out what to do with our talented selves.

Blue bike in the island in Annapolis on
Blue bike on the brick street island in Annapolis

This next time we met up in Annapolis. What bloody fun that was! We ended up walking in the rain and just didn’t care. And going on an impromptu photo safari around the beautiful historical capital area of downtown. Wow. And of course, non-stop talking. So so much fun.

State House stairway in Annapolis on
The perfect photo-op, State House stairway in Annapolis
old overgrown church in Annapolis on
Old overgrown church in Annapolis
How I love me some urban tree roots in Annapolis on
How I love me some urban tree roots
Recycling in Annapolis on
Recycling in Annapolis
Wrought iron goes right to my heart in Annapolis, MD on
Wrought iron goes right to my heart in Annapolis, MD
Shopping in Annapolis and I want every stinkin' one of these wacky little finger puppets in Annapolis on
Shopping in Annapolis and I want every stinkin’ one of these wacky little finger puppets
Cobalt gated alleyway with clay hued walls in Annapolis, MD on
Cobalt gated alleyway with clay hued walls !
Mailbox and tiled doorway in Annapolis, MD on
Mailbox and tiled doorway
Footie on the dock walk in Annapolis, MD on
Footie on the dock walk in Annapolis, MD
The Drunken Princess in Annapolis MD on
The Drunken Princess
State House lawn in Annapolis on
Annapolis State House lawn

I hope you enjoyed the results of our photo safari !

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. Love all of these photos! Especially the sunflower.
    I know exactly what you speak of and strangely enough, I’ve made a few really wonderful friends in the last few years. Unexpected but precious. Then there are all you blog/twitter lovelies.
    Keep striving. I think you’ve got it! xo

    1. I would never have imagined that any of the relationships I made online would have been this positive Jennifer. I stayed away from all this for so long. And it seems so strange now that I know what I know. Have you ever been to Annapolis? I’ve been to Boston and New York only once each. Love me some historical old cities. Philly needs more tromping about too. I’m hoping to meet you in any of these places so we can be official too.

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