Ah Do Do Do, Ah Da Da Da, S’all I Want to Say to You
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Ah Do Do Do, Ah Da Da Da, S’all I Want to Say to You

Am I doing it right? I dunno. Am I doing it anyway, Yup! This week is filled with anticipation of Autumn and all the cleaning and doing projects that seem to accompany the break in hot weather. Home and garden maintenance and cleaning. The windows look horrid. The bought potted perennials need planting. Things need…

A Second Round of Captivity Pictures
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A Second Round of Captivity Pictures

Our two week pandemic lockdown rolled out into a two month self-imposed incarceration as we await our governor’s recommendation for how much longer we will stay safely away from society and it’s disease contaminating state. And to think I said, “I just have to run my household for these two weeks without losing my mind.”…

Are You Struck Too by Mankind’s Generosity in this Crisis?

Are You Struck Too by Mankind’s Generosity in this Crisis?

One action is striking me in this time of quietly awaiting the restart of our lives. Yes, the absolute idiocy of our American government and how smart my daughter is aside,  the richness and generosity of the human spirit. All the efforts of people to help one another with food and assistance definitely increases my…