Q and A with Anna Lovind, Sage and Creativity Guide

Q and A with Anna Lovind, Sage and Creativity Guide

Social media is a marvelous opportunity to meander through people’s lives and thoughts and find others that share your mindset or have similar priorities or goals in life. Your community and your tribe is built this way with one thoughtful comment offered after another. This is a wonderful concept and living this reality feels even…

Suzonne Stirling – Uber-Creative Stylist and Mom : Q and A
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Suzonne Stirling – Uber-Creative Stylist and Mom : Q and A

Sometime ago, I was on Pinterest and came across some fabulous image that I pinned. I must have then followed the image to its home where I found Suzonne Stirling’s delightful blog, Urban Comfort. Suzonne is a professional magazine stylist with an amazing ability to work on multiple holiday decoration projects simultaneously at the wrong…