My Life’s Forgotten Plot Twist : Fiona
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My Life’s Forgotten Plot Twist : Fiona

Life happens while you’re headed in another direction. Sometimes life’s intentional. Sometimes it’s happenstance. Sometimes forces of natural science and fate converge and you get a Fiona. She is the plot twist in my life. The one I fought and fought which finally aligned. And as miraculous as her birth was, I’ve just as easily…

My Fairy Godmother’s Reprieve : Pregnant at 45 years-old
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My Fairy Godmother’s Reprieve : Pregnant at 45 years-old

Today’s story is more interesting than any one I’ve told in a long long time. There was this girl who fell in love many times for all the wrong reasons. Finally, she fell in love for the right reason. And the guy she loves is really swell and worthy of her devotion. If you guessed…