You’ve Never Been Alone
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You’ve Never Been Alone

There’s a saying used behind the closed doors of the Anonymous meetings. People with addictions are “terminally unique”. Somehow, the dreadful feeling of isolation and alone-ness is a sort of backward badge of honor giving you full on permission to kill yourself by your addiction of choice. Addictions plays us like puppets; fearful of conceived…

Addiction Pimps Out Your Anxieties to Feed its Need
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Addiction Pimps Out Your Anxieties to Feed its Need

Fear, anxiety, and addiction work together in a hooker and pimp relationship. In order to quell the fear of death or abandonment, an addiction was created to cope. Not the truth necessarily but our primitive brains think it is. The addiction is then an alleviation of the fear of something that isn’t true. Often the…

My Drinking

My Drinking

Mark was out-of-town and I was worn out and thin from the daughter I was beginning to now call “toddler”. Fits of crying and negativity left me hankering for a glass of wine night after night.  I “needed” my edge smoother, I thought. But I also worried that I might have a problem. I worried…