As I head into my second week of Creativity Bootcamp, I’m feeling pretty stellar. I’ve produced 7 or 8 new collages, journaled every day, and decorated a special event party. Plus kept my house and blog running. Mostly because I worked hard ahead of time to really prepare. See the first three of the week’s collages here.

It wasn’t that easy the first round of Bootcamp back in October. I was raging against the fact that I had no regular free time for me. Because as it turns out to enter flow, as you’ll see in number two below, you need to have enough TIME to enter and exit your flow state in PEACE. Neither of which you have with a toddler. Ergo the immense frustration I was feeling back then.

        Five Keys To Flow

  1. Ritual – Create a mood or environment that’s conducive to creativity
  2. Solitude and Enough Time
  3. Focus – Plan ahead of time what you’ll be doing specifically
  4. You can’t command creativity – The cat under the bed will move further back if it doesn’t want to come out.
  5. Trust and Welcome whatever comes forth/out
Collage Tulips on

(I got these from Sally Wolfe who’s ecourse on writing my book Manifesto I’ve signed up for and will be working on after Bootcamp.) 

What has changed in four months? I suppose I get better naps out of her or she’s more self entertaining or I’m not choosing to try to art when I know I can’t. I still have limited time but what I also found was that, if I want to, I can speed my creative process up considerably and get a creative result in 15 minutes. A little bit is better than nada and that expectation adjustment may also be the key.

Interested in more information on Flow, read my past post here on creative expression and flow.

The next week is supposed to be about styling and picture-taking. See this post for my Creativity Bootcamp intentions. Currently I’m catching up on blogging and the sun outside is now being obscured by snow clouds. I’ll need to make sure to create my weeks posts in case another snow day costs me my private writing time tomorrow.

And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter orPinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.

And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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