It seemed ironic that my prompt of Solitude on my Soul Selfie Instagram Challenge could illicit such a loud and resounding response. Yet, the group there gathered around me are writers in their hearts. And we writers need Solitude to find out our written truths.

Soulitude on

The word solitude seems elusive though. I can choose so many activities that are just me doing busy housework alone. But my favorite kind of solitude seems more of a reverent, reflective, and creative state. And that’s why I would call it Soulitude.

I am actively embodying soulitude when, like now. I am at home writing with the quiet sun shining in the front window. When I am in the middle of cooking a meal from scratch in my kitchen. And when I am preparing and decorating my house for a party or event. Or up in my craftroom with a daily creative challenge to make something for. Or pairing the right picture with the right words for a post on Instagram. All of these practices make my soul happy as I do them within my day in my own company.

Coming to understand myself as both an extrovert and an introvert has helped me immensely to honor what I need to enjoy both worlds. And this Soulitude is definitely a necessary part of my introvert’s happy place.

How do you see this need for solitude? Are you of the same mind about Soulitude?

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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