I noticed today how the world seems to be expanding again.

The light flooding into our houses is slowly drawing us from our dreamy slumbers of Winter. Winter where we were forced to muse our leftover thoughts and wish for a few new ones.

grape hyacinth on the courthouse green on Shalavee.com

Winter where our eyes turned inward and we got cozier with us and our family. We know there is not one season without the other but we’re glad when we’re moving onto the next.

flowering trees on shalavee.com

A relief from the grief, Spring is finally here and we can let go of our held breath.

white violets on Shalavee.com

Out with the old stale air of sad and in with the fresh air of glad. Looking forward to staring hope right in the eyes. Even if it is just for a moment before the stifling air of Summer comes to suffocate our glee.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.


    • Thank you so very much Trisha. I was sort of stunned to believe I was there but I’d say it went pretty darn well despite. Glad as heck to have you there.

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