There is much to be discovered about yourself when you strip everything away. This Coronacation was a perfect opportunity for learning about me. I am always interested in what I really am made of, what I like, and what I don’t truly care about.

I love cooking but only when it’s not mandatory. Forced cooking creativity doesn’t hold the glamour for me.

Honestly, Dusting Was Never My Thing and other Truths I've Discovered on

My husband and I don’t have much of a life separate from our kids except to go out to eat. I think that may change in less than five years but it is that way now.

My house is entirely too old and large to keep sensibly clean. Honestly, dusting was never my thing anyway.

Honestly, Dusting Was Never My Thing and other Truths I've Discovered on

I truly love to write. The bigger the piece, the more I get to think and edit and shape the piece. I love the process of discovering who I am and what I think.

I love my children dearly and it is too much to ask me to be all things for them. I’m entirely too codependent for homeschooling. Boundaries are something I had because there was space between us with school. Now I have to figure out how to create them inside myself.

I don’t suck at gardening. I just have to have time to care.

I live for communication, community, and communing. To separate me from my people and ask me to be suspicious of my fellow humans is exhausting to the bones for me.

Honestly, Dusting Was Never My Thing and other Truths I've Discovered on

Nagging is ineffective for change.

And there is always more room in my heart for love and compassion than I realize.

Happy Summer to everyone as school is officially done with. I am no longer a teacher. Just a haggered Mommy.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

1 Comment

  1. Bacon, strawberries and cream, that made me smile, think my hubby would divorce me if I made him that. 😀

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