Everyday that you live is a recipe of what you felt about your life mixed with what you actually did. The positive or negative perception recipe of our days lived depends on how we interact and present our life and its outcomes to ourselves. So what if we could hedge that bet and make our lives more fun by allowing ourselves to know that it’ll all go well. What if our absolute confidence in the grandness of what we have going on could influence other people. If I was charismatic using my choice, casting out my own enchantments and drawing people in, I think it could be fun and life altering for everyone.

Glimmer on Shalavee.com

This past week, I heard a bunch of Madonna songs. During Vogue, I decided to listen to what she had to say and I found new inspiration. She says, “All you need is your own imagination, So use it that’s what it’s for. “And I thought, yes! We could imagine ourselves in a good place in full costume as the star of the show. And then let ourselves see what we’re capable of doing. A little game of make-believe that boosts us.

What if we could cast our own illusionary enchantment on ourselves. Let’s call it a Glimmer and within it, you could see that one thing that you really wanted to activate. You saw how your one action will be the very thing that the world needed you to do and it will make a difference. And you go on and do that because you saw it was going to work out.  I think highly successful people must be building these sorts of mental bridges for themselves and following their own muses and whims to daring places. And they are fueling them with faith… or ego.

Glimmer on Shalavee.com

If we write the endings to our stories before we get there anyway, I’m proposing that we fake it until we make it. We put some lipstick on, feel supercharged, and get to doing that bit of extra work that will have an impact. Cast a glimmer on yourself and pretend you can do it and then the work will prove it!

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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