The universe gave me a message this week that I mattered. Not intimidating like God speaking to me, but just a general nudge from my more intimate universe that I am rocking my life in good ways.

We matter. You’ve heard this and blown this off a million times. But those who grab it and put it inside themselves, those people are the one who feel entitled to ask for the changes the world needs to see.

universal message on

It’s a matter of allowing, coercing, and getting ourselves to see how we matter and agree with the rest of the world on this matter of us mattering. This week this was how I was validated.

From my post, My Forgotten Soul in My Writing, I received these marvelous comments and feedback.

Allison Andersen said:
Yes, please keep writing! I know you will and I’m so grateful you will. I can relate to you in many ways and your lovely beautiful words say it all. The words I can’t find. Thank you!!
Martina said:
You have a beautiful way with words! I love how you can express so much in a few short sentences. I love how you can leave me sitting there, nodding and exclaiming..”That’s just how I feel” or how you make me smile as I admire your honesty. You have a gift! Thank you for sharing your gift.
From Instagram, Jennifer said:
Seeing ourselves is definitely one of the hardest jobs, but an important one too – and the fact that you let yourself been seen so openly too through your writing is courage indeed.
And Peg Anderson said:
I so admire you and this ability to so openly share yourself. Thank you.
And I say:
Thank You All For Reading and For Letting Me Know I Make A Difference. Because You Do To Me Too !

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.



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