This questionnaire may be familiar to you. I published it in the Summer of 2014. Thought it might be fun to republish it for all those who have just begun to read my blog. This is actually really fun and funny. Enjoy.

I promised to create this questionnaire in this post about my blog intentions. I even bolded the promise. And it sat on my to do list for this long. I finally got over my technophobic blockage and played with the program. Seems, they were right. This really was simple and very pretty. So without further adieu, I give you my new Typeform Questionnaire. Thanks for sticking with me.

Wanna see the whole month of posts? Start here.Want to see yesterday’s post, go here.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

Bubblegum photo credit: Nuwandalice via photopin cc

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