Some people embody placeholders. They see themselves as having no purpose, no fate that betters the world. That their purpose is to just keep quiet, keep moving, have a couple of children, make money to feed their family, and just be. Their subsistence and distractions are their definition of happiness. Perhaps those babies will grow up to have a bigger purpose, to do something amazing. Maybe not. Either way, there are people who aren’t meant to shake the world. And they too are very necessary.

Placeholder people on

I respect your claim that you don’t want to look inward, work on your soul, look at your fears, or be accountable for much more than you have to. And in return, please don’t mock those of us who can’t contain our craving to grow out of the pot we’ve been planted in. We are doing our darndest to make a difference and be brave for our children and maybe yours.

If you judge me, you then judge me for the risks you are unwilling to take. And while I respect other people’s fears as I respect my own, there’s no room anymore for “us and them” especially at the price of bravery. There is room for “you and me” and the acceptance of our differences, our fears, and our driving truths. Let’s agree to live our lives simultaneously and respect one another’s efforts. Because life smacks of effort all the time. And tolerance starts in our hearts.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.




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