It’s hot outside. And humid. I just don’t feel like sitting inside all day long.

But it’s sunny out and the garden is looking spiffier than it has in a very long time.

My Right Now and the Beginning of Summer on

Oh, it’s also Father’s Day which is falling on a Sunday after a lot of ballet recital stuff and a church band performance for the son. And my sister’s visiting. I am trying to play catch up with the chores and make food and collages for my 100 day project and write a blog post and …

Our vacation is planned for this week and somehow, I feel dread instead of happy anticipation. It’s supposed to rain and we’re waiting for monies to come in. I never did lose the weight I had wanted to by now. I dread the bathing suit.

To counter balance any negative self thoughts, I have been concentrating on being proactive, doing my best and letting go of the rest, and feeling out where my feet are placed. Because Summer causes upheaval and I haven’t been to the gym in Days and days.

My Right Now and the Beginning of Summer on

“Life is organic” my friend once said. It ebbs and flows no matter how much we wish for it to stay this way now forever. Sometimes, as when Summer begins, we just have to concentrate on keeping our footing… with a nice pedicure and a cute pair of new sandals. And count our blessings, Two healthy happy kids, a garden devoid of weeds, and family and friends that are very supportive. Everything happens the way it needs to happen. I’m going to sit back and enjoy the ride for a little.

Read about the mental destruction of Summers past and how I finally began a better chapter a couple years ago in this blog post titled How Summer Did Not Start Out Like Plummeting Space Junk.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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