So much emphasis is put on making sure you live your life purposefully. When I find my purpose, my life will make sense. I must take the Purpose challenge because I’m missing out until I find this Eureka information that will reveal my life’s path with the biggest AHA I have ever uttered ! But somehow, this quest eludes my everyday plodding. It’s all so importantly complicated.

But it occurs to me, complicated may not be the answer. That even the most simple intentions can be profound. The cool breeze coming through the window is simply a breeze but comparatively, it is a blessing to be alleviated from the hot weather we’ve endured. Sometimes the simplest elements and gestures have exponential meaning.

Joy May Be Purpose Enough on

Then it occurred to me that living joyfully and sharing this joy so that others may have permission to feel and do the same, may be purposeful enough. To model the pursuit of joyful existence is mind-blowingly simple; pursue happiness. Is this not, at our cores, our truest purpose. Just to be happy, darn it.

I have always made life way too complicated. There were never any givens. I had to do it my way, the hard way, faithlessly overzealously scrabbling to get it all done right. It never occurred to me to focus on the here and now and see if that was fulfilling and purposeful enough. I assumed it wasn’t.

So today my act of purposefulness is to ask myself what brings me joy. And to acknowledge all the ways that I am going to bring that into my life. And then commit to my joy like it is a matter of life and death. Because I think it is in the end.

And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter or Pinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.

And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.


  1. Cheryl Sampson-Dutro Reply

    I believe you are right! My word this year is JOY and I’m going to probably continue it through next year too. I, like you, have tended to make life more complicated than it needs to be…and have spent considerable time getting stressed about finding “my purpose”…when, as you say…I have come to realize that living in JOY and sharing that with others…really is my purpose. Thank you for sharing your insights and gentle reminders!

    • I’m surprised when we stray from this being enough! My word is Focus. Because…distracted. Thank you for your words here. It means a lot!

    • Life may need creative intention, a little bit of five year old dress up and 20 something pompousity to live outside our boxes.

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