Watercolor chair card Oct 1

Before the Creativity Bootcamp started, I laid out an outline of what I might like to try to do during each week. Creative practices that I usually have a hard time giving myself permission to do could have an excuse now to be explored.

Fire fish collage and pastel on Shalavee.com

The first week of the challenge, I continued on the collage theme left from my One Creative Week Challenge. Now I’m into the second week which I deemed to be my week of using pastels otherwise known as colored chalk. And I have to say that once I allowed myself to use them, I proved once again that I have talent enough to use them.I began with a half-hearted attempt to draw Fiona. And when she moved on from sitting near me, I felt the piece was incomplete.

Gerber in purple jar pastels on Shalavee.com

The next time I picked them up, I drew what right in front of me. Which happened to be an old collage I’d done more than 20 years ago. And I enjoyed the vibrancy of the fish on the dark paper. Took me maybe ten minutes. This one was met with such great enthusiasm in my creativity challenge group that I made two pieces today. The flowers are what is left of my week old anniversary arrangement.

owly pastel drawing on Shalavee.com


bootcamp participant badge on Shalavee.com

And the little owl is a statue I picked up at the thrift store that amused me. He turned out very well because of the black and white highlights. When I showed him to my husband, he asked if I’d done it freehand. I said as opposed to what. He said taking a picture and tracing it maybe. What I learned again, as I did with my collaging, is that I can put small effort into my creative endeavor and come up with something lovely and good enough in a short time. Which has me wondering what I could produce if I endeavored bigger projects.

I think I’m making great progress on considering myself an artist. And that was the whole idea of taking on this challenge. Every challenge puts me further along in whatever skill or feeling I’m trying to master. You challenge yourself with others watching so that you will follow through. That is called accountability and that is a great thing.

Wanna see the whole month of posts? Start here.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.


  1. I get stuck in the “that was too simple; it didn’t take enough time” rut sooo often. Like nailing my shoe to the floor & walking in circles.

    • Yes, the “it didn’t take enough time to do so it must not be good enough” thought process. I am so concentrating on how freaking wonderful I already am is.

  2. My time has been so limited but I’m going to pull out the pastels again. Hoping this boot camp just gets me in the mode of creating on a regular basis!
    Keep up the great work 🙂

    • Yes Jennifer that’s the idea I think. That the creativity in us goes from a “do I have time? Nope.” to a It’s a Given thing in our lives. Because it seems kinda mean to not let our inner kindergartner go out and play every day.
      Love Ya’,

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