I am guided by the belief that if I show up and do the work I’m thinking about, I’ll know what to do next. Trying hard to just follow my inspirations and feelings where they lead me and then present them in my best words on my blog. A long time ago it occurred to me, that if I spoke my words out loud to camera, that may mean more to those I’m talking to. But the confidence to be on camera instead of behind it had not been bestowed upon me. Until now.

This has been a long time coming doing more in front of the camera. Ironically, the topic of this first intentional sit down is confidence. Confidence is complicated as it encompasses the concepts of trust and compassion. Do I trust myself to not be making a fool of myself? Do I trust that you’ll be kinder about my appearance than I (wearing the wrong shirt)? I guess I’ll have to take my hands off of it and let you draw your conclusions and inspirations. But you’ll certainly know my aim is true.

Here’s my 8 minute confidence talk. You’ll hear my take on building confidence, self-trust, and at the end you’ll find out what the opposite of judgement is. Thank you for watching and there’s a few links mentioned in the video at the bottom of the post. TURN YOUR VOLUME UP!

Hope you got a satisfying “Aha!” from this post. Below are a few links to some of the resources I mentioned. I’m thinking of going (read decided to go)  to Facebook and to do a live connection video every Friday. Essentially, I won’t have to do downloading to YouTube and people can chat at me while I talk.  And then it will be saved permanently. I’m saying Yes because I’m starting down this video road I’ve so long contemplated.

With Confidence.

Resources and Mentions

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit. If you Sign up for my newsletter in the sign up box over there to the right, you’ll receive a first look-see at my Creative Mothers’ Manifesto!  Heartfelt impassioned words on the need for expressing creativity for your soul and being a better mother for it.

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