I was a skeptic too you know. What did these whippersnappers know. We didn’t need “social media” to be social. We have always used the telephone to communicate dammit.


And I can tell you, I’m still a little queasy about internet interrelations. What, you thought I was a pro at this? Because I’m here doing it? Bah, I keep thinking I’m the nerd on the schoolyard that everyone’s nice to. That they’re tolerating my comments on their sites but they’d wish I’d get the hint and stop already.


 I am better than I’d ever thought possible but my hope is to get over my shyness sooner than later.

I’m three me’s. There’s me then, me now, and the me that I want to be.

I wrote the following some time ago in a mini thought journal.


Who I am  Vs.    Who I want to be

Just Writer   Vs.    writer, crafter, designer,

published and recognized by me for these

Talking    Vs  Listened to

Creative Only on Demand   Vs.   Creative on a regular basis

Contemplative Vs. Conversations

Dabbler  Vs.  Doer

Uncertain/Reticent Vs.  Certain / Sure

Trying  Vs. Doing


As long as you choose to change nothing, nothing changes. People were scared of the telephone too.

And I have no business reading anyone’s mind.

Either I am annoying and eventually I’ll figure it out. Or I’m not and I’ll rise above.


If you read my blog, you are helping me onward and I thank you!


  1. I think these are self-value issues we all struggle with. I know that I do at least! We tease our dogs when we take their collars off, “Who am I?” But I feel I can be asking myself that same question any day along the path. Isn’t it wonderful though to have this creative space, here and in other places like instagram, to share the quest?

    • Absolutely Lauren. I’d rather be here and tip my hand to show my humanity then stand at the wall watching for the rest of my days. Thank you so very much for the validation. Merry Merry and Happy Happy, K?

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